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branding tips


Branding is all about focusing your business on one person, not everyone. When you niche down and focus on what your target audience is, then you can tailor your brand to suit that 'one' kind of person.

Here are a few things you can do to help:

Mood Board

A mood board is a collection of pictures, graphics, fonts, and colours that together display a distinctive, cohesive theme.

It is the best visual tool for small creative businesses to use when wanting to find their style.

It will immediately bring you clarity on your direction and gel together all of the elements you want to include in your new creative venture.

Make sure to include:

- Colour palettes

- Font choice

- Textures & patterns

- Photography style

- Feeling/emotion

Create a Vision Board Using Canva


If you feel like you’re not quite there yet and keep changing colours, fonts, and graphics then you need to step back and take a look at what you want people to feel.

People buy with emotion and justify it with logic later so tap into that emotion and connect wIth them through what you want them to feel when they land on your page.

When you’ve decided on a look and feel then make sure you use the same logos, ethos, colours, and fonts throughout your social media, website, and any other platform you have. Being consistent will show your customers who you are from the minute they see you. They can see it’s a trusted brand by the consistency.

Create a Vibe

Every brand needs a personality and a vibe. People love to follow accounts of those That inspire or entertain so You need to build the look and feel and mix it with a good personality. You have to send people a subconscious message the moment they land on your page that says ‘you don’t want to miss this’. You need to make the best first impression you can as this, in turn, makes people want to stay.

Build a relationship with your audience so it feels supernatural and easy.

Be approachable, fair, fun, and someone they want to get to know.

Keep It Simple

Great brands keep it simple!

When you have an amazing product or service, you have to know that not everyone is going to want it, need it, or even like it. So you have to focus on those who do. Create one product to suit one particular person. Not a product that is trying to attract everyone. If you open yourself up to a broad audience That are not your people then you’ll be wasting your time and money. Niche down and keep it simple.

Design one product for one person that solves one problem. Then you’ve cracked it!