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Crystal Q&A

How do i use my crystals for the first time?

First, program your crystal with a specific intention. Begin by holding the crystal in your hand, closing your eyes, and taking a few deep breaths. Afterwards, request the crystal to channel the highest vibrations of love and light, establishing a connection with your spirit and effectively dispelling any undesirable energy, thoughts, or past programming. Subsequently, articulate your desired outcome to the crystal – whether it's healing, love, relief, or success. At this point, the crystal will absorb your intention and energy, becoming reprogrammed accordingly.

How do crystals work?

Crystals are naturally sourced and possess the ability to harness energy from various sources such as the sun, the moon, the ocean, and the natural environment. When you hold a crystal over the body, it engages with the body's chakras, contributing to both physical and mental well-being.

These crystals resonate at frequencies akin to those of humans. Essentially, they serve as a replenishment for lost energy, aiding in restoring the body to its optimal vibrational state. As a result, this restoration process enables us to experience a sense of wholeness.

Where do i put my crystal bracelet on my left or right wrist?

At Pink Paper Mail, we advise wearing your crystals on the left wrist if your intention is to absorb their energy into your aura. The left hand is associated with receiving and bringing things into the body. Conversely, we recommend placing crystals on your right wrist when your goal is to dispel negative energy or engage in manifestation. It's important to remember that the left hand pertains to the intake of energies, while the right hand is connected with the release of energies from the body into the universe.

what does cleansing and recharging crystals mean and how do i do it?

Your crystals emit a variety of energies, but they are also capable of trapping negative energy from the body or gathering undesired thoughts and emotions related to your intentions.

To cleanse your crystals, there are several methods you can employ:

  • Smudge Stick
  • Palo Santo Stick
  • Sunlight
  • Moonlight
  • Water

One of the simplest approaches involves placing the cleansed crystal on a windowsill. The sunlight will effectively recharge the crystal during this process.

What if i don’t Cleanse my crystals, do they still work?

Crystals have the ability to absorb, store and transmit energy, when they are not cleansed regularly, they can lose their vibrational frequency which makes them less potent and effective.

What crystals cannot be washed with water or get wet?

Crystals and stones such as Malachite, Hematite, Fluorite, Selenite, and Calcite should be kept away from water. Due to their low water tolerance and relatively softer composition compared to certain other crystals, they are susceptible to damage and could experience irreversible tarnishing if exposed to water.

What does ‘Reiki infused crystal’ mean?

Reiki and affirmations are employed to infuse crystals, a process that readies them for healing work. However, it's important to note that this procedure can only be carried out by a Reiki Master.

Crystals that have been infused with Reiki hold specific intentions, become attuned to their most stable vibration, and are programmed for targeted healing purposes.

What crystals help with what chakra?

When we sense an issue within our body, a convenient method to determine the most suitable crystal is by aligning it with the colours of the chakras. The chakras are energy centres associated with healing within our body. For instance, if you encounter challenges in expressing your emotions, that corresponds to the throat chakra, which is connected to blue crystals.

Likewise, ailments like menstruation pain are linked to the root chakra and benefit from the application of a red crystal. This guide can be employed for swift relief in specific situations, aiding you in addressing the concerns related to various chakras.